Who is your hero? Honor them with a flag during Chambersburg Rotary Club's Flags for Heroes event.
Honoring those who serve and have served is Chambersburg Rotary Club's annual Flags for Heroes. From November 8-16, 2024 over 400 American flags will be on display in the lawn at Seller's Funeral Home, 297 Philadelphia Ave., Chambersburg.

Your company, organization, or family can participate in this tribute to our community heroes--past and present--by honoring your own heroes with a Flag Sponsorship.
In addition to funding the flags themselves, Flag Sponsorships support Rotary's many community and youth projects right here in Franklin County. Sponsors and their chosen heroes will be recognized by name on each sponsored flag and displayed from November 8-16, 2024.
Click the buttons above to download the sponsorship form PDF. Submit completed forms to rotaryclubofchambersburg@gmail.com. Contact us via email with any questions.

POST 1599

Bolte Family Trust


Shelly Layton
Sue McMurtray
Green Lawn Dairy Supplies

SSVC Alumni

William “Bill” Adams
Michael Albright
Pvt. Homer Bailey
Jason Bailey, US Army
Frederick Douglas Barnett, US Army
Frank C. Barnhill, US Navy
Destin J. Barton, 82nd Airborne Division
Carlton U. Baum
Dave Bigler, US Marines
Elvin Bittner
Carl Eugene Bolte, US Navy
Fredrick Denslow Bolte, US Air Force
Abraham Brown Senior
Abraham Brown Jr
Betty Moseley Brown, US Marine Corps
Joel Brown
Ronald Brown, US Army
Myrna Bulger, US Army
John Burba
Butch Burener, US Army
Scott Calaman
SSgt. Otis L. Carson, U.S. Army In Memory Of
Tom Caskey, US Marine
Lawrence Caution, US Army
Jan Collier
Bob Cox, US Navy
Cpl Hugh Crittenden, Sr., U.S. Army - In Memory Of
1SG John D. Dale, U.S. Army In Memory Of
PFC Vincent DiLoreto, WWII
LTC Vincent DiLoreto, Vietnam
T5 Ernest J. DiSantis, Normandy WWII
Charles Dixon, Jr, US Army
John “Jack” Dortch
Richard G. Fahnestock
Frank Frey
Thomas Fumagelli
Donald Garber
Staff Sargeant Charles Gibb
John Griffin, US Army
Neil J. Griffin, Policeman
LeRoy Goshorn
William Groff
Randall F. Hall, Air Force, Vietnam
Lt. Colonel Andy Harkins
Imani E. Harper, US Army
A. Russell Harriman, US Air Force
Kirk Heberlig
Gary L. Heckman
Major General Timothy Hilty
Emery Horn
Thomas Houser
James Jenkins, US Army
PFC Raymond A. Johnson, Jr. U.S. Army In
Honor Of
Col. Lawrence Johnston
Curtis B. Jumper, US Army
Grant W. Kent, Jr., US Army
Alan Norman Keith, US Army
George Kohler, Vietnam
John F. Kohler, Sr., WWII
Norman Kohler
Jacob Kimple
Calvin Long
Christopher J. Long, Wildlands
Lauren B. Long, US Army
Sgt. Quinn Martin, U.S. Army In Honor Of
John Maynes
Pat McCulloh, US Navy (retired)
Airman Milo E. McMurtray
William McMorris
John M. Mellott, Sr.
Larry Mellott, US Army
Master Sergeant Steven Miller
Kenneth Murry Mitstifer
Sylvanieus Mitstifer
Jillian Griffin Morrison, US Navy
William E Morrison, US Marine Corps
Orenda E. Barnett Moseley, US Army
Norman Mowers, US Army
Jack H. Mullikin, Sr.
Thomas Nickel
James Bishop Nicklas
Charles Nitterhouse
Charles M. Nitterhouse
John A. Nitterhouse
Kenneth L. Nitterhouse
Micheal E O’Neill, US Air Force
Ron Parsons, US Army
Dennis Perry
Don Plank
Donald Purvis, US Army
PSG Ralph A. Purvis, U.S. Army In Memory Of
Sgt. William D. Ransom, U.S. Army Air Corps In Memory Of
Dr. Robert N. Richards, Sr.
Mervin Richardson, US Marine Corps
Larry Rohrbaugh
Walter Rohrbaugh
Rotary Veterans
Wilbur E. Rotz, WWII
Wayne Rowe
Lawrence Sandell
Sgt. Anthony Scubelek, Marine
Melvin Shaffer, US Air Force
Christopher Shaffer, US Army
Bryse Showe, USMC
Geraghty Showe, US Navy
John Sipos
Donald F. Spang
Steve Spray
All SSVC Alumni Veterans
Frank Stoe
Rick Suders
PO2 Ella Mae Sullen, U.S. Navy In Honor Of
GySgt. James J. Sullen, U.S. Marine Corps
In Honor Of
Timothy Swhaj, US Army (retired)
Robert Tardosky
Lynn S. Thomas, US Army Vet brother who
passed away Sept. 30, 2024 at age 78
SFC Reggie Tolbert, U.S. Army In Honor Of
Jerimy Toole, US Army
Joe Toole, Airforce
Peter Tourangeau
John Tribble, US Army
Capt. Eric Vega
Brett Walden
Jeffrey Walsh
Woodrow Wanczack
SSgt. Theodore M. Webb, U.S. Marine Corps
In Memory Of
Sgt. John W. Webb, III, U.S. Air Force
In Honor Of
John M. Widmann, Jr., Air Force Korean War
John Williams
Roin Wilt
Sam Worley
Herbert Zeger
All Veterans of Our Community