Who doesn't love chicken...'n stuff!? Join us for our annual fundraiser benefitting the Rotary Club of Chambersburg Foundation.
The 62nd Annual Chicken 'n Stuff will be Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Lunch will be available drive-thru style from 10:30am-1pm, and dinner from 4-6pm (also drive-thru). Menu includes half a grilled chicken, potato chips, baked beans, applesauce, BBQ sauce, roll, and butter. Tickets are $16 per person.

Rotary Club members are selling tickets! You can also purchase tickets for $16 each online through our PayPal account. Questions or issues? Contact
If buying online via PayPal: please make sure to write in the "what's this for" box that you are buying ___ number of Chicken 'n Stuff tickets. If you are buying on behalf of someone else, please also include their name(s).
Chambersburg Area School District
Setas Mushrooms
Gateway Gallery Auction
The Rotary Club of Chambersburg Foundation is a 501(c)(3), a federally tax exempt non-profit charitable organization established for the purpose of granting money to charitable causes in the Chambersburg area. Chicken 'n Stuff specifically helps raise funds for scholarships to students in the Chambersburg Area Senior High School. These scholarships have included funds for books and materials for post-secondary education, one-time nursing scholarships, four-year education scholarships, and scholarships for dual-enrolled high school students to pursue college credits at our three local colleges and universities.